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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Review of CSN chair and Bookshelf

Thanks to Jason Zimelman at CSN for giving me the opportunity to review one of their products. I reviewed the Adjustable Steno Task Chair with Durable Seat from their office chair store. I also wanted to review a bookshelf that I won in a blog contest at Marjolein's Book Blog in August. Let me just say that I have 2 reviews for the products but also a side note type of review from my husband who put them both together.

Chair Review:
4 of 5 Stars
I like this chair .
Supports my back
Doesn't take up a lot of space
I like that it swivels

BookShelf Review:
4 of 5 stars
It matches perfectly the other 2 shelves that I have.
The shelves are adjustable.
Fits in the room nicely.

My Husband's review of both products:

Chair review:
Needs more attachments that not only fit together but are attached by screws. The only thing that is screwed together in the chair is the base of the seat which attaches to the chair back.

Bookshelf Review:
Wishes that the pieces located under the shelf itself were wider and flat to give more support to the shelves. Also wishes the back of the shelf was sturdier.

Both the chair and the shelf are very easy to put together. They arrived fast and and didn't take very long when you took the time to set everything out. Directions were easy to read and follow.

If you take both of our stats Hubby- 3 of 5 stars to both and mine- 4 of 5 stars to both, you get 3.5 stars average for both the chair and shelf.

In conclusion :
If money is an option and to many of us it is, the shelf and chair are good picks for the money. I researched both at some local stores here and they are compareable to the other products out there in all ways except price. I must say however that the great customer service ( ie emails to me) makes up for the extra 10-20 dollars spent. I received emails before the order was put in, after it was ordered, when it was shipped and even after I received it. I would rather spend the extra money getting something from CSN and being sure that they care whether I like it or not instead of taking the cheap route and being left holding the bag if it doesn't live up to my expectations. I am very happy with the shelf and chair from CSN.

Thank You CSN and Jason Zimelman for the opportunity to review your products.

P.S. Pay no attention to the mess that is my bookshelf.

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